161 Days of Continuous Riding.

…204 Days to go.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

4.10.2011 Ride: Day 100

So.  Today marks the 100th day of consecutive riding through snow, ice, sub-zero temperatures, rain, sleet and wind.  Riding through temperatures in the high 90s and into the 100s with high humidity are still to come.  A short ride today but lots of pictures.  Ten of them to mark 100 days.  I had intended to ride out into the country a bit but Lupe tagged along and so I decided to stick to the neighborhood.  Just as well with the wind blowing hard in the mid 20mph range and gusting into the 30s.  Also, I was rather tired. 

I pass this barn often on my ride in the neighborhood.  This morning, the sunlight, filtered through a thick haze, cast an odd yellow hue that seemed to give it a more "Western" look.

Close up of right side of barn.

With Lupe keeping me in the neighborhood, I had the challenge of seeing very familiar surroundings with a different eye.  Going down the Big Hill, my eye was drawn to a crack in the road (there are many) and my theme for the day was born. 

Empty shotgun shells

Ant mound.  No sign of ants. The wind?

This plant is about an inch wide.

I like the veins in the leaves.  I also like the ridges in the rock below the plant.  Click on the picture to get a better view of the weathering on the rock which look like a fossil impression.  Again, this rock is maybe an inch long.  It is also interesting to view this picture  (and some of the others) as if they are part of a rock wall rather than crack in the pavement.

There was one lone tiny red ant carrying a white morsel of food scurrying around near the hole but never quite making its way to the hole.  I attempted several times to photograph it but because of its very tiny size, it refusing to stay still and the wind, I could never get a picture of it that was in focus.

Maple seed.  This feels to me as if it could be in a creek bed.  The seed is about an inch and a half long.

Shadows and Cracks.
A VERY curious thing today.  As I was working on today's post, Colene posted a photo of a snake on asphalt.  Upon first seeing the picture, I thought she was showing some interesting crack she saw in the road.  What a coincidence!  On my ride today I kept hoping I might happen upon a snake for today's photo gallery. 

Today's Ride:  66mins.  10.06 miles.  77 degrees.  25-30mph winds.  Miles YTD:  1,840.49

And...a very Happy 25th Anniversary to my sweetie.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! That is a coincidence that we were thinking along the same lines. The barn looks to be 100 years old and it might take 100 years for that little maple seed to grow into a big tree. We always call those seeds helicopters. Last but not least-Happy Anniversary to you and Carol.
