161 Days of Continuous Riding.

…204 Days to go.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

4.30.11 Ride: Sunrise Ride

With a very busy day ahead as well as the chance of rain later in the day, going out a bit before sunrise seemed ideal.  Though the wind was blowing, the temperature was relatively mild and riding in the early morning as the sun is coming up is one of my favorite times.

From the house, I headed down the hill on Hwy 45 and then left on Habberton Rd.  It would be easy to get in a good loop ride which would beat the monotony of riding for an hour back and forth in the neighborhood.

For the most part, there was no evidence of the heavy rains from a few days ago.  Not until I was headed down a long hill and I spied something in the road closer to the bottom.  At first I thought it might be the dogs that live in the neighboring house.  But then I could see it was a couple of cones as well as a barrier.  It turned out that a section of road, about 10 feet across and a couple of feet wide, had collapsed. 

Given that rain was in the forecast, I was surprised at how clear the sky was this morning.  The sun first peeked out through the haze on the horizon while I was on the upper portion of Habberton.  I got to see a second sunrise of sorts after dropping into the valley and witnessing the sun come up again a second time.

There was definitely evidence of all the rain on the lower portion of Habbeton.  The small inlet from Beaver Lake which has been very low and muddy was full of water.  Debris was on the side of the road including a very large log.

I headed back via Guy Terry Rd and then Sassafras Rd.  A collie I have seen at a house before was in the road, so, naturally, I had to stop.  He was shy at first but then ate up the attention.

While I was petting him, out of the corner of my eye I saw another pit-bullish dog coming into view.  The first instinct was to raise my guard but I hoped it was a companion of the collie and all would be well, which it was.  Look closely in the upper right-hand corner of the picture and the other dog can be seen.  I did not see it when I was taking the picture.  She was just as friendly as its mate. 

Sassafras Rd provides a very good challenging hill climb, especially for so early in the morning.  Up until about a year or so ago the lower portion was dirt.  I was glad when the county paved it as it made a great loop for me.  However, it is chip and seal and very rough and I do not like going down it.  Even though the road is fairly new, it did not do well in the rains as there were lots of holes forming. 

Since the beginning of the week, I keep eyeing the fact that I am very close to 2,500 miles (Colene has pointed this out as well).  But it seems as if that little milestone is taking it's time getting here with the small daily rides I have had this week.  And, tomorrow more rain is in the forecast so who knows how much riding I will be able to get in.  It will come.

Today's ride:  1hr 10mins.  12.08 miles.  62 degrees. 17mph wind.  Miles YTD:  2,449.90

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