161 Days of Continuous Riding.

…204 Days to go.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

4.23.2011 Ride: Day of Rest (sort of).

A very tired body after our 7 day trek.  Depending on whose odometer one goes by, we either did 425 miles (mine) or 438 miles (Ted's).  Either way, it was a good chunk of miles and a great trip.  The highlight was indeed the Wichita Wildlife Refuge just outside Medicine Park, OK.  Though, we had plenty of high times and good laughs at various points along the trip.  It is easy to take for granted the good dynamics of a group when everything is going smoothly.  We really worked and rode well together.  I also immensely enjoyed meeting Ted's in-laws, Mike & JoAnn, with whom we stayed.  To me, the best memories of a trip are the people I end up meeting.

A high of 64 when I woke up but it quickly dropped to 57 within an hour.  Around noon, a window of no-rain opened up and I took advantage of it to get my daily ride in.  I chugged along on the mountain bike and, even though I was tired, I found myself going down the Big HIll for a look to see what this wet weather might have to offer. Nothing spectacular, just the sound of heavy streams running through the woods.


The fog increased during my ride but the rain held.  As eager as I was to get back and rest, I couldn't resist stopping and capturing a few pictures.  So, I leave you with that.

Cedar Rust.  Swells up when it rains.

Today's Ride:  62mins. 8.5 miles.  57 degrees.  Damp but no rain. Miles YTD:  2,349.78


  1. Wonderful photos. I particularly like the cu on the bark.

  2. Thanks. That picture really surprised me. When I was taking the bark, I didn't think it would be that good. Once I saw it blown up, I was really intrigued by all the different patterns and shades of color.
