161 Days of Continuous Riding.

…204 Days to go.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

4.13.20011 Ride: Texas-OK Preview

Despite the fact that it would be in the mid 70s later in the day, I opted to do my ride in the morning when it was only 47.  But, with no wind blowing and dressed accordingly, it was a very pleasant morning.  Plus, I got to see the sun rise in all it's glory.
Today was also garbage day so I had the added bonus of seeing John this morning.  An unsung hero, of sorts.
John Blosser
He has picked up our garbage for at least the past 10 years and maybe he has missed one day in all that time because of the weather.  When I make a batch of my cheesecake brownies, I try to remember to tape a couple to the top of the trash can on my morning walk.  It's really been a pleasure to know him.  Thanks for all your hard work, John!

Dorothy of The Ozark Roadies suggested that I give a preview of the Texas-OK trip coming up this Saturday with Ted Arriola and his brother Cliff.  Their cousin Herb will join us for the first day. So, briefly...

Friday:  After Ted gets off work, we drive down to spend the night with his sister-in-law in Denton, TX.
Saturday:  Denton - Bowie, TX.  About 60 miles.
Sunday:    Bowie - Waurika, OK (passing through the towns of Ringgold, TX and Terrol, OK). about 51 miles.
Monday:  Waurika - Lawton, OK (passing through Hastings, Temple and Geronimo, OK).  about 52 miles.
Tuesday:  Stay in Lawton but do a loop ride out to the Wichita Mtn Nat'l Wildlife area.  About 50 miles.
Wednesday:  Lawton - Waurika.  52 miles.
Thursday:  Waurika - Gainsville, TX.  This will be the longest ride of our trip, 82 miles. 
Friday:  Gainsville - Denton.  A short ride and we drive back to NW Arkansas that same day.

Ted and Cliff will be on recumbent bikes and I'll be on the regular seat-made-in-hell bike.  I've got my Tiger Balm packed!

Slow picture day.  I've given myself somewhat of a hiatus this week.  But, I do have two more.  I was back home and I heard something rattling about in the living room.  I thought our cat was playing with something but I couldn't see her.  Then, I noticed movement through the glass of our fireplace insert.  How did she get in there?  On closer inspection...
 Look closely in the left-hand corner.

Blue bird in fireplace insert

I was very surprised to see a bird in our insert since we had a cap placed over the chimney several years ago. This was going to be tricky as I did not want him flying out into the house when I opened the door.  I went out to the garage and grabbed a fishing net which I had used in the past to get hummingbirds out of the garage.  With a bright flashlight shining in to hopefully freeze him, I quickly opened the door and placed the net around him then with a gloved hand was able to gently grab him.  Poor thing was covered in ashes.  Fortunately, when I took him outside and placed him on the deck's railing, he paused for a moment then quickly flew away.

Today's Ride:  63mins.  11.31.  47 degrees.  Miles YTD:  1,881.46

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