161 Days of Continuous Riding.

…204 Days to go.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

2.28.2011 Ride: Recalibrating

I hooked up with Pat Murray yesterday to ride together this morning.  I was feeling rather run down after the second ride of the day yesterday, I think as a result of getting dehydrated.  I felt better this morning but still dragging.  We had a good ride, getting on the bikes by 7:00, which was good since the day was quickly heating up.  I was feeling pretty run down again by the end of our 40 mile ride which I managed to put aside as we rode.  Though, I believe, being tired led me to not focusing on getting pictures.  It is amazing to me how my body has gotten conditioned to riding even when tired.

This car first passed us earlier on our ride.  I was hoping to get a picture of its rear as it went by but we ended up on a downhill and the situation became too unstable  to get a picture.  We came across the car again about 10 miles later just outside of West Fork.  I think why I like this picture is that I don't feel as if I've taken a picture of a car from long ago but rather I just happened to take a picture of a car from our current time period.  Riding along quiet country roads often feels as if I've been transported back in time to when there was a slower pace of living.

Only one other picture but I love it.  Pat is stretching but I feel as if he is spreading his wings ready to take flight.  I think this picture captures the free spirit of bicycling that we all experience out there on the road.

Pat and I were comparing odometer readings and his was reading higher than mine.  I started to see a pattern here as Ted's read higher as well on our Texas trip.  Getting back home, I did some research and found that my computer is indeed set wrong and I have been covering more mileage than I've been reporting.  Compared to Pat's odometer, which he said matched up with other riders, it seems as if I've been 5% off.  Given the 3,148 miles I've ridden this year, that would mean I'm short by 157 miles! 

Today's Ride:  3hrs 9mins.  39.02 miles 70-80 degrees.  18mph winds.  Miles YTD:  3,148.53 plus recalculating for lost miles, new Miles YTD:  3,305.96


  1. Philip, this reminds me of a ride we went on across Wisconsin and my odometer read 424 miles for the week long trip but the t-shirts given to us said it was a 392 mile trip. I was so mad because I had something to prove that year as I had been undergoing chemotherapy at the time. Normally it wouldn't be that big of a deal to me but in this incident I wanted credit for every mile.

  2. Make that incidence :)
