161 Days of Continuous Riding.

…204 Days to go.

Monday, May 9, 2011

5.9.2011 Ride: What a sky.

A short ride this morning but the sky was constantly changing and keeping me busy.  It took me 10 minutes to go the first mile. 

This first image was on my morning walk.

But the rest of these were taken during the daily ride.

Good morning!

This looks like a sun ray but it is actually the shadow of a sun ray.  This is in the western part of the sky.  I think seeing this phenomenon so well-defined is much rarer than seeing rainbows.

I had gone down the Big Hill and on my way up, I lifted my head to another incredible sight. 

 I wish that was a meteor I captured but it's merely a contrail.  Still...

And one last parting shot from this morning's ride.

Today's Ride:  62mins.  10.31 miles.  71 degrees.  Miles YTD:  2,641.4


  1. There are some neat pics within the clouds if you look for them. I see a wolf at the bottom of one picture and Tom saw a whale in one and I think it looks like he is about to take a bite out of another sea creature's tail. Tom has a passion for contrails so he liked that one too. I tell him, you've see one you've seen 'em all. Ha ha All of your photos are cool.

  2. I didn't spot the wolf but I saw a whale and a bear or buffalo in another. I saw a very distorted face in the last one. And, the one with the contrail, the darker cloud in front seems to form a hippopotamus-like shape looking to the right with a small white cloud forming an eye. And, I'm with Tom. I get excited about contrails all the time as well which are definitely different each time. Must be a guy thing!

  3. Look at the two photos above the contrail to see the wolf head at the very bottom with his nose pointing downward.
