161 Days of Continuous Riding.

…204 Days to go.

Monday, May 30, 2011

5.30.2011 Ride: Memorial Day - Part Two

Thanks to Kris, Rachel's soccer coach, I had a very pleasant second ride today.  Since she lives up in the Bella Vista/Bentonville area she was able to guide me to some good routes.  It always amazes me that there are these quiet country roads right off main thoroughfares.  It's as if I stepped through a secret door in a very busy room and into another world that very few know about.

The road was right next to Lowe's, which was perfect as I needed to make a stop there before heading out for the ride. I was looking for a new mailbox post and two other men were in the aisle with the same purpose.  We chatted a few moments and then I asked what Memorial Day meant to them.  They became solemn and said for some people it might mean grilling out but that the true purpose was to remember the troops that died.  We talked a few minutes more and then I asked if I could take their picture.

Danny & Matt
Thanks guys for the answer I was hoping for and thanks for helping me pick out a mailbox post.

Within a mile I came across a great looking barn.  I took a couple of pictures but the sun was behind it and, as I feared, the picture was fairly washed out.  Ideally, I need to go back in the morning.  One of these days I'll get it.

I may have missed out on the barn but I came across this fine looking tree house with good lighting.
At one point in the road there was a dead skunk.  Nothing unusual about that but this skunk had its head sticking through the bottom of a small clear plastic cup.  I couldn't imagine that someone would think to approach the skunk, which smelled really foul, and place the cup on its head for a joke.  I'm thinking it tore through the bottom, stuck its head through and got its head stuck. 

Today's second ride:  67mins.  13.08 miles.  85 degrees.  20mph winds.  Miles YTD:  3,357.07

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