161 Days of Continuous Riding.

…204 Days to go.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

5.7.2011 Ride: To Market, to Market I Go.

I guess first off, I feel as if I should clarify my thoughts on feeling weary.  It's not with riding per se but all the other things in life that have to be juggled.  I rarely get on the bike and wish I weren't riding.  I may feel that way before I ride as I gear up but once I'm on the bike there is a feeling of peace.

My thinking last night was that I would get up early and head to the Farmer's Market to buy tomato and bell pepper plants to put in the garden.  The timing would be perfect since Carol is out of town and due back tomorrow.  So, having the plants in would make a nice Mother's Day gift (since she rarely reads the blog, I don't have to worry about spoiling the surprise).  But I wasn't so sure about this grand idea since I didn't get to bed till 11:30 (late for me) and I was feeling a bit run down.  However, I awoke at 5:30 and I felt eager to go. I wanted to get out early before the traffic picked up so that I could make a straight shot back and forth on Hwy 45.   I was out by 6:45 and arrived down at the square by 7:30, still very quiet. 

I thought I might end up taking quite a few pictures down at the square but I ended up taking only one as I was leaving of the old court house.  The wind had picked up on my way back and the threat of a thunderstorm was in the air.  I guess we were back to our old regular weather pattern where a storm of some sort or another seemed to be lurking.  However, shortly after I arrived home, the skies cleared and it was a good day for gardening.  Two cherry tomato plants, two full-sized tomato plants and, for me and Rachel, two eggplant plants.  Two scallion stalks that were left over from last year have caught my eye in the garden this spring and I present several different shots of them below.

Today's Ride:  1hr 56mins.  20.18 miles.  65-70 degrees.  Miles YTD:  2,616.02


  1. That last 100 miles sure went fast. Well for me it did but probably not for you.

  2. Well, yes and no in regards to the last 100 miles. For some reason, it was good to see the "odometer" click over the 2600 mile mark.
