161 Days of Continuous Riding.

…204 Days to go.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

4.12.2011 Ride

A short morning ride as I try to get things accomplished before leaving for the Texas trip this Friday.

The photograph of the tree was taken during my morning walk just as the sky was beginning to lighten in the east.  This is facing west.

My ride was on the bike trail around Lake Fayetteville.  About ten feet off the trail under some brush, I spotted what at first looked like just paper.  Then, I realized it was a book cover.  It was a guide book to

birds and it seemed as if the entire book was there but in sections.  It was wet and also charred probably from the control burn that was done about 2-3 weeks ago.  The author page was the most prominent leaf.  Seeing his face, I felt as if I had come across a crime scene, that he was missing and that his book with his picture was the only piece of evidence to his whereabouts.  I did take the book, which is my piece of litter for the day.

Below are three shots of a bag caterpillar cocoon.

Shadow on the bike path on Vantage Rd.

Today's Ride:  63mins.  11.34 miles.  65 degrees.  Miles YTD:  1,870.15


  1. Philip, I had to get my magnifying glass out to see the author's name on your bird guide find. Then of course I had to google him and found lots of information. Being a bird watcher myself I will have to check him out. Great piece of litter!!! I look forward to hearing about your Texas ride.

  2. Colene. Glad to supply you with a juicy piece of litter. Next time try clicking on the photo and it should enlarge. At least it does when I click on a photo.
