161 Days of Continuous Riding.

…204 Days to go.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

4.6.2011 Ride: Congratulations to Adam and Megan!

Adam has been a regular follower on the blog and was helpful when I was trying to figure out routes to take in the Little Rock and Conway area.  He happened to mention that in his engagement pictures, Megan's bicycle is included.  (To his chagrin, having his bike included was nixed.)  I thought that it was cool that they had included a bike in their engagement pictures and asked if I could include one in a post. 

Thank you Adam & Megan.  And, a special thanks to the photographer, Karen Segrave for giving me permission to use the photograph.  Karen's website is www.kesweddings.com.

It seems that, quite by accident, Adam and Megan's picture is setting the tone of today's post.   All the pictures today are of people and bicycles.  After cooking for Community Meals this morning, I headed for the bike trails in town.  As I was coming out from under the railroad trestle, coming down from atop was a cyclist on a chopper bicycle.  Sailing around the tight curve with his arms up high on the handlebars and sweeping gracefully around the curve, he was poetry in motion.  I was just glad I was far enough down the curve that we didn't collide.  It wasn't until he passed that I thought of getting a picture of him with his bike.  I turned around and gave chase but I never caught view of him.  Alas, an opportunity missed.

It must have been a good 30 minutes later when I headed back down the trail that I came across Mitch on the side of the trail.  He very obligingly posed for me with his custom made bike. Thanks again, Mitch.

This woman passed me underneath the narrow underpass of another train trestle. My first thought was not of taking a picture but not getting whacked by the branches sticking out of her pack.  Once out of the underpass, I did think picture and quickly did an U-turn.  I thought of stopping her and asking what the branches were for but decided to just snap a picture from behind.  This was not an easy task as there was a 25mph headwind.

Back at that same trestle, was this gentleman lying on the concrete wall. When I passed him, I saw that he was doing a small sketch of the tunnel.  I thought grabbing a picture of him from behind sketching would be interesting. Now, I just needed to have someone taking a picture of me taking a picture of him, sketching the tunnel.  Something about him being all dressed in black against the other lines and shapes and shades of white and grey caught my attention.

The tunnel that he was sketching.

And, one last parting shot of a mother and son.

I did talk with Jeff this evening.  He is now in Coffeyville, KS.  By Friday, he plans to be in Winfield, KS and meet some distant relatives for the very first time.  They are looking forward to his arrival and it will certainly give Jeff a welcome break from the relentless wind.

Today's Ride: 72mins.  12.63 miles.  75 degrees.  25-30mph winds.  Miles YTD:  1,772.58


  1. I look forward to your blog everyday and I am amazed that you can come up with such interesting themes. Do you plan your daily theme or just let it come naturally? Probably a little of both. Happy trails!

  2. Thank you, Colene. I would say that 98% of the time I let the ride and what I encounter dictate the theme of the day. As I'm riding, an idea will come up and I then may try to build on that.
