161 Days of Continuous Riding.

…204 Days to go.

Monday, April 4, 2011

4.4.2011 Ride: Germany to Placerville, CA

A day of much anticipation.  Jeff Boggess contacted me a few days ago through warmshowers.com inquiring if he could stay the night with us. Warmshowers.com is a site for bicyclists looking for places to spend the night.  Jeff was on a great adventure, having started his bike ride in Germany, making his way through Switzerland, France, Spain, across the Mediterranean to the northern edge of Morocco, down to the southern border of Morocco, to the Canary Islands where he hitched a ride on a sailboat to the Caribbean, flying to Ft. Lauderdale and making his way to good ol' Arkansas on his way to his hometown of Placerville, CA, which is about 60 miles east of Sacramento.  He was in Huntsville this morning.  I was awaiting his call and going to leave from here to meet him half way and ride with him back to our house.  It wasn't until about noon before the rain let up but the wind was really howling and the temperature continued to drop from its high of 49 at 6:00 AM.  I got the call from Jeff at 1:00 and headed out.


On the way, I made a quick stop at the convenience store in Goshen to buy some peanuts.  The cashier mentioned how her daughter got a kick seeing bicyclists riding by.  We talked a few moments and then I asked if I could take her picture for the blog.  Fortunately, she said yes as she struck a great pose.  Thanks, Beverly!

Some colorful litter of the day.

The day was in strong contrast when I did the exact ride yesterday.  The high yesterday turned out to be 85, the high today, 49. Yesterday there was sun and today it was all clouds and a light drizzle during the ride.  However, the wind was stronger today but came from the north as opposed from the south as it did yesterday.  Really had to struggle at times to keep the bike on the road as the crosswinds were quite intense at times. 

But the ride went well and I met up with Jeff just shy of where Hwy 45 & Hwy 412 meet.  We had described our bikes to one another for easy recognition but that wasn't really necessary as we were the only bicyclists on the road, as we expected.  The traffic was moderate, slowing enough at times for us to ride side-by-side to talk and get to know one another.  We stopped by the store in Goshen to say a quick hello to Beverly and then on for the last four miles to home. 
Jeff Boggess

We both had the same reaction as we pulled off Hwy 45 and on to my street: we hadn't realized how stressful riding on Hwy 45 with cars zipping by only a foot or two away at 50-60 mph was until we were off the highway and on the calm of a side road. 

Riding south for the first time, with the wind at our backs, it felt so calm and peaceful. The rows of white clouds in a blue field in front of us was a most welcomed sight.  And, when we pulled up to my house where Lupe, my dog, gave us a very hearty welcome.

Jeff chilling on the couch, watching the NCAA basketball championship game.

Today's Ride: 2hrs. 19mins.  25.18 miles.  45-48 degrees.  25mph winds.  Miles YTD:  1,714.91.

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