161 Days of Continuous Riding.

…204 Days to go.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

5.1.2011 Ride: 2,500 miles and 1/3 of the Way There!

After a week of mostly small rides and two full days of intense cooking, I was determined to get in a long ride ride, rain or no rain.  Today marks, more or less, the 1/3 point in the year-long journey to ride every day.  And, with 2,500 miles year-to-date so close in sight, I made it my goal to do at least 50 miles today.  Rain looked fairly imminent with a storm cell off to the west between Tulsa and Oklahoma City.  Leaving at 6:30, I had about two and a half hours before the rain would hit.

Coming out of the road from out driveway, I was met by the sun peeking out from two cloud portals appearing like two shimmering rubies.  By the time I was able to get the camera out, one of the openings had closed up and jeweled affect had dissipated but it still was a sunrise worth sharing.

At 6:30, the temperature was 55 degrees but it was only supposed to get colder as the day went on. The rain certainly wouldn't help so I packed a rain coat and rain pants.

Riding early on a Sunday morning is always wonderful.  The roads are so empty though I still keep a careful eye on the cars from the rear that do pass.  My ride had me heading east to start which was slightly into the wind.

I've passed the house below before and have been amused by the owner's posting since this message is scrawled over the entire side of a good sized barn.  I guess he got tired of people stopping and asking to buy his belongings.

This horse and donkey got my attention as they seemed to be good friends.  I took several pictures hoping that I could get them side-by-side while facing me.  They moved around quite a bit, changing positions but this was the best I could get.  I like that the horse has a brown face with a white flare and the donkey is somewhat reverse.

A bit after passing the horse and donkey, I crossed into Madison County.  There was a church at the county line called Hope Church.  It made me think of liquor stores positioning themselves at county lines where the bordering county may be dry.  I pictured dry religious counties where churches were not allowed and Hope Church had positioned itself as the last chance to get religion for the next 50 miles. 

The house below is in Hindsville on what is now Business 412 since, with the main 412 by-passing the very small town.  I circled back to take this picture and did so in front of a house with a mean looking black dog.  He sat quietly while I took this picture and then when I remounted my bike and rode in his direction he began his barking anew.

I did a bit of sweet talking, but I think I had my fill for the day for aggressive dogs as I encountered one earlier that did respond to sweet-talking but just enough to keep him at bay.  This black dog was trying my patience as he would keep making lunges for my foot.  The last straw was seeing a companion of his in the yard, the silent, stoic type that seemed to have some pit bull in him.  He stood quietly assessing the situation and I was waiting for him to join in.  Finally, I squirted Halt at the black dog, hitting him squarely in the face which stopped him in this tracks and sent him to the yard to go rolling in the grass.  I didn't take satisfaction in squirting him (okay, maybe a little) though I was definitely glad to put an end to the assault.  Hopefully, it may deter him from going after other bicyclists (or not).

Just after the dog, I came across this odd looking doll in the front yard of a house.  Rather twisted looking but the other contents in the yard were much more tame and friendly.

A close-up.

The forecasters had it right again.  Just after 9:00, I felt a few rain drops.  The sky in the west still didn't look that threatening but I didn't want to take the chance and be caught off-guard.  So, I pulled over and donned my rain gear.  I'm glad I did because 20 minutes later, at mile 30 in my ride, it began to rain in earnest.  I managed to get in a couple more shots before the rain became even more steady and I put the camera away for good for the day.

With about 6 miles to go, I saw lightening in the distance, in the direction that I was headed.  That wasn't good but maybe the worst would be gone by the time I got there.  A couple of miles later, a flash of light, followed ten seconds later by a loud rumbling.  Another mile later, another flash of light.  One, two, kaboom.  Not good.  I was only 3 miles away.  If there was another close one I would try to find some cover off the road, though there weren't any good choices.  Fortunately, the lightening held off and I got my 50+ miles in. 

Today's Ride:  4hrs. 23mins 50.66 miles.  55-45 degrees.  12-15mph wind.  Miles YTD:  2,500.26


  1. Congratulations on reaching the 2500 mile mark! It sounds like those last three miles were exciting. I like the white barn. It looks like a happy face to me. The moon and the star on the stone house are neat. Good job on the mean dog!

  2. Thanks, Colene! It felt good reaching 500, especially in the rain.
