161 Days of Continuous Riding.

…204 Days to go.

Monday, May 23, 2011

5.23.2011 Ride: Upping the Ante?

A curious thing about goals.  I've talked about the challenges lately of keeping spirits up during this middle part of the journey.  What I find that is making achieving the end result more appealing during this time, is creating an even greater goal.  When I first started in the beginning of the year and I was doing calculations for how many miles I might achieve, 5,000 came up as a very realistic number.  That would certainly have been a new one year high for me by about 1,500 miles.  As I kept riding, 6,000 miles, then 7,200 or 7,500 became a real possibility.  In fact, at my current pace I would hit 7,500 miles.  That translates into 20.55 miles a day.
As I rode today, I thought about this new pace and wondered how realistic it would be, or even if I wanted that to be my new goal as opposed to just fulfilling the 60 minute daily minimum.  It certainly changed my outlook as I rode,  thinking more of completing the ride and getting in the miles and less about taking pictures.  I don't think I would be very happy with that mindset in the long run as it started to feel more about getting there rather than enjoying the journey. 

But I think a balance can be found.  The idea of the new goal certainly invigorated me and motivated me to crawl out of bed at 5:15 to get out by 5:45 on the bike.  And, I did ride with new energy.  It just may be what I need for a bit to keep the journey fresh.

Again humidity speaks.  With the temperature at 61 degrees when I started off and dressing accordingly for past 61 degree days, I quickly became very warm.  I did ride on Hwy 45 for a bit as the early morning traffic was very light.  But I decided that by 6:15 it was best to get off that road. 
The light fog gave way to a clear sky and it was hard to believe that thunderstorms were in the forecast for later in the day.  However, near the end of the ride, a rather ominous grey blanket of a cloud was slowly creeping across the sky.  The cloud had a very eerie feel to it, as if it were alive and imported in from a sci-fi film.

Spotting this contrail a bit further on in the ride seemed to add to the Us versus Them experience; our brave and noble attempt to send a spacecraft into the heart of the invasive cloud hoping to save the world and maybe even the solar system.

On my last lap, the cloud had turned our mighty star into just a a mere dim light.

It wasn't until I got back home that I heard about the devastation and deaths by the tornado in Joplin and my imagined scenario became very real for the folks up there.  My thoughts are definitely with them today.

Today's Ride:  1hr 52mins.  22.07 miles.  61-67 degrees.  Miles YTD:  3,040.84


  1. You always seem to have the right words to touch me whenever I read your blog. I don't always read every day but I always read each day's entry. I realize goals are important but I would definitely miss your photos. They bring a personality to the blog which I thoroughly enjoy. I have been struggling the last couple of days with some sadness. A dear friend of mine just found out her 19 year old son has leukemia, AML to be exact. I spent yesterday morning with them at the hospital while he had a bone marrow biopsy. The diagnosis has really hit her and her husband and of course their son very hard. Reading your past few days blogs has uplifted me. Your pictures of the sky make me realize nothing is impossible and my prayers for Jordan will be heard. Thank you for being there when I needed you.

  2. Sharon. I'm so sorry to hear the news about your friend's son (Jordan?). I'm sure it is very devastating to hear such news. I am glad to hear that my words and pictures have been of comfort. That means a lot to me to hear you say that. Rest assured that I am with you; the pictures are a tremendous part of the blog and I can't imagine doing it without the pictures. Just this morning I realized while I was riding that upping the ante is not how I want to focus my attention. There was only one picture today (5-26) because I was so tired.
    My email address is pazweig@yahoo.com. If you would email me there I would appreciate it so that we can continue to communicate more easily as I would like to keep in touch on your friend's son's condition.
