161 Days of Continuous Riding.

…204 Days to go.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2.1.2011 Ride: A Ride to Joe's in the Snow

Lots of pictures today for this ride.
Conditions at push--off: 21 degrees, snow, sleet & the wind gusting up into the 20s. 
I didn't have to worry about the screws sticking too far out of the tires as I wished they were even longer.  But they did work even if I was squirming around quite a bit at times.  I called the Pilkingtons before I left so that they could keep an eye out for me as I passed their house.  When I did, I was greeted by cheers and "Go! Go! Go!" from the entire family.  Shortly after that, my chain came off.  A quick repair and I was on my way again. 
Plowing through the snow, I was building up the body heat and I was WAY over-dressed.  I certainly did not need the heat packs in my gloves and shoes. Going up Hwy 45 was certainly a challenge.  At first, I wasn't sure if I would be able to do it as I kept sliding about quite a bit.  But I soon found some good footing and fell into a rhythm and made it halfway up the hill before I had to stop and catch my breath.  This was certainly the hardest workout I have had in years!
There were a few cars on the road and I did pull over as they approached .  After reaching the top, the going was much easier and I reached the Ziegler's house without any trouble.  It was nice to be able to incorporate today's ride into a more meaningful mission of helping to get Joe out of bed. 

After leaving the Zieglers, a dog passed me and then I saw a figure walking on 45, so naturally I had to go over and say hi and ask for a picture.  It turned out to be the Ziegler's neighbor Robert Womack.  Rob told me he completed an impressive triathalon last fall (I believe it was) but that he would leave the biking in the snow to me. 

The ride back was easier going downhill though there was more traffic.  The snow had probably doubled while I was at the Zieglers.  Getting up Rivercrest from 45 was a challenge and I finally had to walk up the last half.  But, I am happy to report that I was albe to ride back the rest of the way home.  Oh, yes.  No Flats!
Looking out the window just now and seeing the snow blowing straight across, I'm glad I rode earlier.
Today's Ride:  About 70 minutes.  @ 4.2 miles.  20 mph wind.  Miles YTD:  606.17

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