161 Days of Continuous Riding.

…204 Days to go.

Monday, February 14, 2011

2.14.2011 Ride: The Challenge of the Write

The challenge of riding every day has turned more into the challenge of writing everyday.  It is easy for the Daily Ride challenge to overtake my life, which it, admittedly, has.  The challenge is in the balance.  I am not so sure that my wife may believe that there is any longer a balance, especially since I've been just as committed to updating the blog daily.

Carol on the phone yesterday evening with her mother on what I am up to: "Yes, he tries to figure out when he is going to ride everyday and then he updates his blog," as if that is all I do during the day.  Well, almost.

Doing the ride, I do not have to be concerned with the quality of the ride, at least not for any reader or viewership.  The blog is different. The quality of the writing is important.  Just today my editor was getting on my case about yesterday's entry.
"A bit long, wasn't it?"
"I was tired. The deadline was approaching, the kitchen still needed to be cleaned up and my wife was giving me the evil eye."
"I was not giving you the evil eye," Carol interjected.
"It looked like the evil eye."
"It was my TMJ."
"Oh, sorry."
"And then there was the using of the same word three times within two sentences," my editor continued.
"I was tired," I said again.
"That's a basic journalism no-no 101."
"I changed it."
"What?" he asked.
"I went back today and changed it.  That's the beauty of electronic media."
"Still..." he said, trying to remain irritated.

It's not so much trying to come up with what to write everyday but rather having the time and the energy to do the re-writing so that the same word doesn't appear three times in two sentences.  It is a very fine balance and, I'm afraid, at times the entries will suffer as the riding comes first.

"So, what do we have today? UFOs?" my editor asked me.
"Linticular clouds over Mt. Ranier."
"You saw these while on your bike ride?"
"I wish I had.  They were sent to me by loyal blog fan, Joe Ziegler.  He said they reminded him of the blog of riding in the snow and my description of it being of another world."
"They are amazing."
"Yes.  And too beautiful not to share."
"All right.  Run with it."
Today's Ride:  1 hr 46 mins. 20.55 miles. 57 degrees.  Miles YTD: 774.51

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