161 Days of Continuous Riding.

…204 Days to go.

Monday, February 28, 2011

2.28.2011 Ride: Bike Courier

After a cold, wet and windy morning where the temperature didn't seem as if it wanted to climb above 37, about 1:00 the clouds cleared.  A hectic morning and I knew I would only have time for a short ride.  I decided to combine it with some errands in town which included dropping off a package for Carol. And, now, I'm hurrying to update the blog as I will be off soon to Tahlequah to watch Rachel in a soccer game which starts at 8:00 PM, meaning back by 11:00 PM, meaning too late to update later.

The big news in Fayetteville is that the 4.7 magnitude earthquake in central Arkansas was felt here last night.  It was during a thunderstorm so it was easy to dismiss the rattling and shaking to the thunder.  No, the barn in the photo is not the result of the earthquake.


Riding through a neighborhood close to town, I was surprised to see these two dogs loose.  They started barking as I approached but I decided to slow down and call them over.  Their disposition quickly changed when I sweet talked to them and they became very friendly and wanted all sorts of attention.  It's a new approach I'm taking with dogs whenever I can.  I'm sure there will be instances where I will not want to stop, such as the time a 150 pound black bull of a dog came charging at me.  I quickly raced down the hill I was on.

This is Lucille and Gracie at the Postal Center where I dropped off the package.  I've known Lucille and her husband Mike since 2003 when I started using them as a drop-off point for shipping out my Wordigo games.  It's amazing to think that it has been 8 years since the game has come out and I've been sneaking into their back door to drop off my shipments.  They used to have another small dog that wasn't nearly as friendly as Gracie and was, in fact, a biter.  Gracie is definitely not a biter.  Neither are Lucille or Mike.

I would like to take this opportunity to again thank all those who follow this blog.  Thank you also to those who send in comments.  I started to keep this blog more as a log for myself to record the Daily Rides and I have been surprised at the exchange it has created for me with others. The connections have been a truly touching experience.  So, thank you.

Today's Ride:  61 mins.  Miles: 11.11.  44-48 degrees.  15mph winds.  Miles YTD:  1052.66

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