161 Days of Continuous Riding.

…204 Days to go.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

2.26.2011 Ride:

 A lethargic ride today in the neighborhood.  And, even though the temperature was 58, I still felt cold.  I tried going up the Big Hill to warm up.  I got sweaty but still felt cold.  I wanted to feel HOT.  Being cloudy didn't help.  A 14mph wind didn't help, either.  Running into John Erwin walking the dogs helped.  I rode along side him for a couple of minutes and talked and that helped warm my spirits.  Finally, in the last few miles, the body warmed and the sun came out on the last mile. All in all, not a bad ride for being so tired.  I was surprised to see when I got back home that the temperature had actually dropped a degree.

I thought I would play a little catch up and cover some of the history I had planned to do before I suddenly left for Georgia. 
I am curious what people will see when they view the scene with the chain link fence.  Even though I took it and know what is behind the fence, to me it looks like a stack of bicycle chains (shows you how my brain is wired).  It is actually a stack of aluminum wheels taken at the Superior Industries plant on Black Oak Rd.  Not historic, but the plant is very unassuming and the company is the largest supplier of wheels for the automotive industry.  I just think there is something cool about passing the plant, and catching a glimpse of a wheel that may end up on a car sold who knows where.

I was trying to find something out about Sulphur City, the very nondescript intersection of a town but I have come up empty at the moment and it's time to call it a day.  I do believe that at one time there were sulphur springs there and the residents were trying to promote the town in that way,  I was hoping to find more. 

Today's Ride:  1 hr 30 mins.  Miles:  15.74.  58 degrees.  15mph winds.  Miles YTD:  1,016.51

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