161 Days of Continuous Riding.

…204 Days to go.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2..8.2011 Ride: Habberton Rd. Revisited

"Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get."
-  Ingrid Bergman

A hectic day where I rushed to make time to put a ride together.  The neighborhood roads still had too many icy patches so I drove the short distance down to Habberton Rd. to squeeze in my hour ride.  Being back on Habberton was comforting as it has always been one of my favorite stretches of road.  After my journey on it two days ago, it has taken on even more meaningful significance. 
A fair amount of the ice had melted and I was able to travel further along to a spot where a finger of Beaver Lake extends.  I like to think about this spot before the dam, imagining walking below the bluffs.

Sitting here, writing this, the ride felt so short, over before it even started.  Being in a warm house while the temperature outside is below freezing and the wind is gusting to almost 20 mph, it's sometimes hard to get motivated to gear up to ride.  But once out there, riding, it's where I want to be. I am definitely addicted.  Having the right gear for the elements makes all the difference.  As someone once told me, "It's important to have the right tool for the job."

Two weeks ago, I had originally planned to set off for a bike ride from Fayetteville to Little Rock, leaving yesterday.  The weather changed all that.  Now, since I will be in Little Rock for an event Friday evening, I'm considering the possibiltiy of doing the trip in reverse, leaving form Little Rock and riding to Fayetteville.  Next week is supposed to be gorgeous but there is so much to get ready in the next two days and another snow storm is on the way.  We'll see. 

I did encounter my canine friend from the other day and he ran alongside me for a short bit.  I can't say that I made friends with the bovine below but I thought he struck a rather handsome pose.

Today's Ride:  64 mins. 11.62 miles.  27 degrees. 15-19mph winds. Miles YTD:  699.06
Don't forget to check out Biking for Food at www.stpaulsfay.org/bikingforfood.html.

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