161 Days of Continuous Riding.

…204 Days to go.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

3.19.2011 Ride: Spring Equinox

A quick ride today that seemed to drag out as I was anxious to get back to finish packing for our trip. Again, time is a funny commodity. At times I would quicken my pace, forgetting that riding faster would not make an iota of difference. With 15 minutes left in my ride, I felt that when I would get back to the house I would discover that 2 hours had elapsed. I was glad to see that that was not the case.

For a while now, there has been one lone calf among all the horses in the pasture.  Generally, the calf stays to itself.  I've been wanting to get a picture of the calf  juxtaposed among the horses but they have always been too far apart.  This morning I had my best opportunity.  In the picture, it seems as if the horses have adopted the calf into the family.  But they really haven't.

It seems as if the first day of Spring should be sunny.  Certainly not the case today.  Heavy overcast and, even though it was 51, it felt much colder because of the northerly wind.  One section of the neighborhood I rode through was lined with Bradford pears that were in full blossom.  The air in the area did feel brighter from all the white petals.  It's an odd sensation: an area being lit up from the reflection of flowers.  Unfortunately, the picture doesn't capture that ethereal light.  Happy Spring!

Today's Ride: 63mins.  11.14 miles.  51 degrees.  12-17mph wind.  Miles YTD:  1,429.45

1 comment:

  1. Floating logs??? Are you playing camera tricks on us?
