161 Days of Continuous Riding.

…204 Days to go.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

3.5.2011 Ride:

I am at a point in this journey where the road ahead can seem very long.  Make no mistake, I still enjoy, thrive on riding every day.  It's the balancing act with the rest of life's daily activities that becomes the challenge.  Finding that balance, continues to be an ongoing process where one day I think I have it down only to feel a bit overwhelmed the next day. I thought of my analogy with the Samurai warrior again today as I believe honing discipline is the key to success.

Today turned out to be a very interesting day. In the morning, I assumed today's post would be short given that a minimum ride would be squeezed in at the end of the day after Rachel's soccer tournament. But I have several photos, more on the line of "what I did on my summer vacation" than artistic compositions.
Rachel's first game was brutal as the temperature was only in the mid 30s and the wind was between 15-20mph. They lost 1-0.  Between games, I headed over to meet Dorothy and the Roadies where our brand new Roadies' jerseys were handed out.  Dorothy started the Roadies several years ago with just a few riders and now there may be as many as 30 or more riders on a weekend. That is Dorothy in orange with her eyes closed.

Back to fields for the second game where the weather conditions were better but, unfortunately, it didn't help the girls as they lost that game as well.  Two friends at the game mentioned the bike trails nearby and I set out for them.  Under construction is the Crystal Bridges Museum, which will house some well-renown art pieces when it is completed this November.  It is set in a small valley and coming upon the construction site feels as if one has accidentally discovered some very top secret project. 

Orion and Zeus

A short ways up the trail, there is an overlook for getting a better look at the secret project.  I met Orion and Zeus there with their human counterparts.  Orion has a very big wet tongue. I love Great Danes.
The trail is very impressive and I followed it for several miles, turning back only because getting back home to make dinner beckoned.  The trail is supposed to be part of a 35 mile Greenway running from Bella Vista all the way down to Fayetteville but the Greenway just lost it's funding. Seeing the trail and knowing the trail in Fayetteville, I thought what a loss that this project may not happen.

Just off the square in Bentonville, I came across this house with the water tower behind it.  I thought it was a very interesting juxtaposition.

Dorothy threatened me with death, or worse, if I didn't get a picture taken of myself with the new jersey.  I passed a couple who were mounting their mountain bikes on their car and doubled back to ask if they would take my picture.  I'm glad I stopped as I ended up having a good conversation with them. It's the part of taking journeys that I really like: randomly meeting people and having what I call micro-encounters.  It turned out that Amy and Jesus had come down from Joplin and spent over 3 hours riding the trails down in Bentonville.  They were preparing for the Quachita Challenge in April.  So, thank you, Dorothy, for insisting I get a picture or I would not have met them.

Jesus and Amy

Though it was a short ride today, it felt very full.  I leave you today with a shot of this barn I often pass (while driving) near Joyce & Crossover.  The sun was low in the sky and lighting up the details and the nuances. For instance, the hinges definitely stand out more than if the sun had been higher up and hitting the barn at a less direct angle.  Tomorrow's the 75 mile ride and I feel in good spirits for it.

Today's Ride:  68 mins.  Miles:  12.08. 38-42 degrees. Miles YTD:  1,120.74.
Be sure to check out Biking for Food at www.stpaulsfay.org/bikingforfood.  And, if you can, please pledge.  Thanks!

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