161 Days of Continuous Riding.

…204 Days to go.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

3.26.2011 Ride: Wearing Purple for Epilepsy Awareness Day

Debby Winters asked on facebook today to wear purple for Epilepsy Awareness Day.  I didn't have anything purple I could wear while biking, especially on this wet and chilly day but I did make this sign which I pinned to my CamelBak.

I thought I would make the theme of the day purple.  Fortunately, this being spring, there were plenty of purple flowers.  But, I knew trying to find litter that was purple would be a challenge.

I decided to start on the bike trail, though, I realized that given the 40 degree temperature, there wouldn't be much activity.

So, once I hit the Steele Creek Rd area, I went on the surface roads and made my way to Gregg St. where I gave plenty of cars a chance to see my sign.

The trash was indeed a problem.  Purple is perhaps my favorite color but certainly not the color of choice for marketing.

Ah!  What's this? That looks purple.  In the photo it looks as if it might be some mangled piece of bloody flesh but it's actually a Sam's flyer.  And, the only reason it's purple is that the blue and red colors ran to form purple.  I'm good with that.

I stayed on Gregg till Sycamore and then headed over to Leverett. Still not happy with my sign exposure and my one piece of purple litter, I decided to head over to Dickson, downtown Fayetteville, where, surely, there would be more activity.  Maybe I could even find a person wearing purple.  To my dismay, downtown was very quiet (and still no more purple trash). 

I circled around the block to Highroller Bicyclery and they didn't let me down giving me two photo ops. I spied this purple bike through the window.

And, coming out of the store, there was Curious George riding his bike with a bit of purple on his wheels.

It was time to head back and any more sign exposure would have to be done on the trail.

I came across Pam, whom I work with at Community Meals.  She may not be wearing purple, but I knew she walked the trail a lot and I've been waiting to cross paths so that I could take her picture. But, as I think about it, I met her at Community Meals at St. Paul's, which is an Episcopalian church.  As I recall, purple is a color used within the church.  So, there you have the purple connection with Pam.

And, finally, the litterers and the admen did not let me down.  I came across this bag just after talking with Pam.

Today's Purple Ride:  1hr 22mins.  14 miles.  41 degrees. Misty,  Miles YTD: 1,545.82


  1. Love, LOVE your blog! You are a great writer and very clever!! So glad Miss Debby gave you a good topic today!

    Raising awareness for epilepsy is a passion of mine, as it affects my 26 year old son, Colby, daily...He is currently on 4 seizure meds, and we are STILL searching for control...

    Your willingness to focus on "purple" today will help bring awareness to an insidious disease. There are 200,000 new cases each year, & a total of more than 3 million Americans are affected by it...More than multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy & Parkinson's Disease combined! And Epilepsy in America is as common as breast cancer, & takes as many lives!(Sorry...I'm shameless! Just had to sneak that in there!)

    Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful post! Awareness = Funding = Research = Cure!!

    Cyndi (& Colby)

  2. Great picture of Pam! You always take such interesting pictures along your way. Great job!
